Creative, bold, and nimble.

Our mission

Foster authentic and positive dating experiences that counter existing, superficial narratives surrounding online dating. We promote real encounters with a genuine spin.

The story

Connection has long been at the core of Wandure’s ethos. In each iteration of our vision, fostering relationships and community has been centre-stage.

Initially we provided the travel community with a forum to connect, and book unique activities abroad. We were two pronged - (1) we found unique, compelling activities for people to book during their travels, and (2) we had a travel buddy feature for people to meet up along the way or travel with! It was stellar.

As time went on, we noticed that our app was being used by local travel-lovers seeking other travel-junkies in their home cities. And better yet, these travellers were using us to book activities to get to know their own cities!

So we thought… hmm… let’s figure out a way to make our app more local and use our knowledge to help people meet in the dating world!

After conversations with friends (and we’ll be honest, our own experiences) we saw that there was a consensus on the brutal slog of dating apps where conversations are limited, redundant, and for the most part, relegated to the virtual sphere. Pen-pals were the norm, actual dates not so much.

Recognizing this ongoing challenge, we decided that Wandure could be (and should be) a place for people to engage in authentic and meaningful relationships via real- life encounters outside of the virtual world. And what better venue to apply our newfound knowledge than in the world of dating.  

Welcome to Wandure. Happy to have you along for the ride.

The people behind the llama

Ali Kazal
cto (Daddy)
Actually a tad Instagram famous - once you check it out, you’ll see why.
Chelsea Sauvé
Chief communications officer
Curious about everyone and everything - queen of questions.
Ramon Tabilin
while(true) {
I love Wandure;}
Ismail Benmbarek
Posts motivational entrepreneurship quotes on Linkedin, but not really.
Luis Anacona
He'll make you smile even if you don't want to. Just try him.
Zainab Muse
Advising with her experienced lens, one day at a time.
Sai Vikranth Desu
Product development
Hackathon-junkie, amateur chef -but refuses to cook for the team.
Olivia Johnson
blog intern
Fields her housemates' dating questions one at a time.
bed warmer
A prolific ghost spotter and houseplant un-planter.
food inspector
Will inspect all boxes, and perform routine gravity checks.
Overwhelmed by online dating?
Replace :) with an actual smile. Get to know your matches IRL with Wandure.