Wandure profile tips

Tips to create your Wandure profile

Do you want to make an authentic profile that conveys your energy and essence?
Your answer is likely YES, please.
Here are a few tips to create a profile that captures your best you!

Be authentic

People can smell inauthenticity a kilometre away.

So, if you don’t like dogs, maybe don’t post a picture of you with a dog? Remember, potential matches want to meet the real you - so show them the real you in all your glory!

If you’re quirky, be quirky. If you’re funny, be funny!

Answer your profile questions with sincerity and wit

We have a massive selection of questions for you to choose from, so explore them and answer those you like best! 

While you're answering these questions, remember to honour yourself! Ensure that you're being sincere and true in your responses, while infusing them with wit and levity (naturally). The best way to do that is to answer questions that reveal an awesome adventure, a funny story, or a touching moment. One that you can chat about later - let your true self shine.

The benefit of this is two-fold: we get to know you so we know what kind of date to plan, and your profile will be so dazzling that matches will be itching to set that date and meet you!

Choose photos that show you doing something!

Choose photos that reflect your personality and what you like to do, and obviously your great looks. These photos are bound to initiate intrigue. Whether you're traveling, playing with your puppy, skiing in the Alps, playing soccer, or skating on the Canal - anything that says "this is ME" is a go!

Think of it this way, of all the photos someone has, these are their 6 best - la crème de la crème.  So tell your story, and let us see the real you shine.

Fewer selfies, more moments

Let’s be real, selfies don’t tell you much. They tell you about your face (which is naturally gorgeous) but it doesn’t reveal much about your surroundings (unless it’s an epic travel selfie, in which case it's an exception).

Bottom line:  if you can avoid it, try not to include selfies!

Put a little time into it

This profile is your handshake. It’s your “nice to meet you” to the virtual world!

We know that an entire person cannot be distilled into 3 questions and 6 photos (obviously), but they can give you a glimpse into a whole person who you may want to engage in a fun activity with! So show them who you are as best you can.

The key with Wandure is that we want to get to know the real YOU.

Choose your Wandure badges wisely

At Wandure, we have 6 badges for you to choose from: nature, art, history, nightlife, sports, and foodie. These help us to determine what kind of date we plan for you and your match ( that's right, we're wizards). So choose your 2 + badges wisely.

Have fun with it

Don’t take yourself too seriously! Just put on your best jeans or athleisure or leopard tights (we don't judge) and say a confident hello to the dating world. You have this!

Overwhelmed by online dating?
Replace :) with an actual smile. Get to know your matches IRL with Wandure.