Are you a cat person or a dog person? Does it matter?

We often find ourselves split into two categories - those that own cats and those that own dogs. But is there really a difference?

Yes, I know…

One prefers the company of cats and the other, the company of dogs. I get it. 

But I mean what’s the difference in terms of the type of person you are. If you like or even own a cat, does that make you somewhat different from those that like or own dogs? 

Turns out that it does. 

There’s actually a difference between cat owners and dog owners

A new survey conducted by Mars Petcare over at found that your preference in a pet may say a lot about your personality and even lifestyle. 

This survey interviewed 1000 cat owners and 1000 dog owners and found that the dog owners were more similar to other dog owners, and that cat owners were more similar to other cat owners. Annual income, fitness tendencies and even creativity levels were more akin between dog owners and other dog owners, and cat owners and other cat owners.

It’s crazy to think, I know. 

It’s never really been clear as to how someone's pet choice can influence their lifestyle or personality - until now that is!

A woman snugging her kitten on a table.

The Mars Petcare survey provides more concrete evidence on the topic about the difference between cat owners and dog owners, and what your pet choice says about you. 

And it turns out that your preferred pet may say more about you than any other personality quiz or test out there - so listen carefully.

Man on a rooftop in the city kissing his dog.

Cat owners: The creative 

The survey found that cat owners are (apparently) more creative than dog owners. 

In general, it seems that cat owners are more likely to enjoy spending their time watching documentaries, attending musicals, gardening and even reading books.

This is a little different to dog people, who tend to have a preference for action and thriller movies over documentaries. Dog owners also tend to get involved in more activity-based past times, such as; running, yoga and even dancing. Seemingly dog lovers are the more active and adventurous out of the two. The survey also found that dog owners are more likely to indulge in their romantic and emotional side when it comes to choice of movie, scoring higher results for both rom-coms and romantic movies. 

Kitten in a person's arms.

Cats are calm and collected animals, slowly going through the motions of life. They aren’t particularly good at getting leashed up and dragged outside for a run. They’re autonomous - in fact, they believe they are your owner - and loyal.

The majority of cat owners feel that and agree that they use their pets as confidants sharing their thoughts, feelings and even secrets. This is probably the reason why more cat owners give credit to their pets for reducing stress (70% versus 66%) than those who own dogs. 

I personally wouldn’t mind having a confidant that can’t blab my secrets off to anyone else - the ultimate therapist who also loves a good cuddle. 

So it seems that both dog and cat owners aren’t all that different after all. They both understand and appreciate the large role their pets have in their lives - whether that’s travel, fitness or well-being related. 

Cats are also seen as the pet that comes to the rescue in times of need, providing comfort and emotional stability to those who have lost loved ones or even gone through a break-up.

Which is so much more beneficial than diving deep into a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, listening to Celine Dion - ‘My Heart Will Go On’, over and over. 

Been there. 

Dog owners: The money makers 

According to the survey, dog owners tend to have a higher income than cat owners. Mars Petcare reveals that the average income of a dog owner is $47,000 USD while the average income of a cat owner is slightly lower at $40,000 USD.

And it's a good thing they have that extra dough as further research indicates that dog owners are more lavish in their spending, specifically on their dogs. They spend an estimated 33% more on clothes and accessories for their dogs than cat owners - that’s right, FOR THEIR DOGS!

Woman with black hair smiling and laughing while holding her puppy as he or she kisses her face.

Luckily dog owners are twice as likely to work in fields such as finance, banking and accounting so they can afford to spend. Meanwhile, cat owners are nearly four times more likely to work in creative fields.

And finally, dog owners like to run. A lot. A quarter of the dog owners interviewed mentioned that they run regularly. Which isn’t surprising as it’s a lot easier to run with a dog than with a me. 

The benefit of having a pet  

Jam Stewart, vice president of corporate affairs at Mars Pet Nutrition NA, credits our furry friends with playing a huge emotional role in our lives - one that helps shape us to be better-equipped people. She expressed it beautifully, saying “whether you are hitting your fitness goals thanks to a bit of a push from your dog, or engaging in a little therapy talk with your cat, it’s obvious that no matter what furry friend you prefer, the benefits of pet ownership should not be overlooked.” 

I’m with you Ms. Stewart. 

Woman staring at a puppy lab she holds in her hands

The survey also found that, in both groups, over a fifth mentioned that they take their pets on vacation with them, involving them in almost every aspect of their lives. 

And a quarter of both groups, cat people and dog people, both said that they actually eat and plan their meals to fit their pets schedules - eating at the same time so that no one feels left out.

It seems to me that as a society we tend to treat our pets like a member of the family - even buying them presents on holidays or their birthdays. Oh that pet life. Dog owners are twice as likely to go all out for their dogs birthdays with a full-on party (19% of dog owners versus only 9% of cat owners).

I for one would love to turn up to a dog's birthday party. Think of the games; chase the tail around the donkey, fetch the shoe for a shot, fastest toy chewer… one can dream. 

Woman sitting on a couch on a rooftop outdoor patio holding her ginger coloured puppy in front of her ace.

Can dog people date cat people?

So, can these dog lovers and cat lovers get on romantically?

The answer is ... of course they can! 

We all know that chemistry really doesn’t have anything to do with whether you'd rather snuggle with a cat or a dog. It has more to do with the acceptance of differences and the right to be different. 

As long as you can both accept that as a person you each have a right to something of your own, a preference or opinion that the other might not share! It’s not a case of it not working because one of you has a cat and the other a dog. These animals, unless extremely un-socialized or un-trained can quickly adapt to one another, co-existing and living happily in the same space. 

Person petting the head of a tiny black puppy

Like I’ve said, as long as both people in the relationship, respect the others viewpoints and respect their love for their respective pets, then there shouldn’t be a problem.   

The takeaway for pet owners out there is this.

No matter who you choose to date in life, they will always like and enjoy things you may not. No two people are the same, similar yes, but not the same - as I’m sure you already know. 

So pet or no pet, cat or dog, mouse or hamster - just be open to the other person's preferences and tastes. They might even get you into things you never thought you would. 

We all love our pets

And so what can we conclude? Are cat people and dog people all that different?

Though personality traits may differ depending on whether you enjoy the companionship of cats or dogs, there is no doubt that pets mean the world to their owners. These animals are important enough to us that we allow our love for our pets to influence our day-to-day - we turn down after work drinks because we “need to get home to take Teddy out!” and buy our cats the best play towers around so that they can scratch to their heart's content.  

Fluffy cat laying on a couch

I’m sure we can all agree that whether you’re a dog person or cat person, we all share one important thing in common. Something that unites us in a community of our own - our love for that furry extended family member. Because let’s be real, our pets are family. 

So it seems that both dog and cat owners aren’t all that different after all. They both understand and appreciate the large role their pets have in their lives - whether that’s travel, fitness or well-being related. 

Grab Teddy and his leash, and let’s go for that walk. 

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